DT 990耳机是专为顶级的声音需求而开发设计,满足您对音质和舒服性的完美要求。DT 990采用高品质材料和独特的设计:舒适的头箍无压迫感,柔软的耳垫易更换,单侧导线提供广阔的活动空间,换能器采用DT 990 PRO的专业技术,集数十年经验生产出来的新款DT 990无疑有更加上乘的表现力,演绎细腻到位,仿佛置身于音乐厅中欣赏交响乐。DT 990均是在德国手工制作以保证其高品质,更显珍贵。
国际专业媒体对DT 990的评价和荣誉:
"The first week i’ve been listening to music much more often because these make it sound so much better."
(noise-reducingheadphones.blogspot.com, 09/2010)
"... excellent open ear design, true sound reproduction..."
(bestheadphonereview.com, 08/2010)
"The clarity of the DT 990s is superb. You hear everything, whether you want to or not."
(audioheadphonesblog.com, 07/2010)
- 高解析力,声音还原真实精准
- 有力的低频与柔顺的高频表现
- 在同级别耳机中重量最轻